So you are looking for a job?

LOOKINGAre you just sat there waiting for the job to come to you?

That does not happen, because you are educated have your degree does not mean the job will come looking for you, you have to do something to get what you want.

So what do you do?

First you need a CV and forget about it being generic if you are applying for advertised vacancies, it needs to reflect the position you are applying for. Many positions that are advertised are looking for very specific skills, so, read the advertisement carefully adjust your CV accordingly, but do not lie, you will be found out eventually.

Knock on doors, this where a generic CV is required, but you need to be aware what is the market looking for, highlight your skills, be aware of keywords, these are important. A good example is language skills, in this day and age of globalization language skills are a must. Visit commercial centres, industrial areas and financial centres. These areas need more than just the obvious for example Financial centres require support services to function. Persistence pays off.

Network, I cannot stress the importance of networking, visit trade fairs, forums and exhibitions, take along your CV and talk to people. Get their business cards and later contact the person you spoke to thanking them for their time and show an interest in their company, even such sites as LinkeIn and Viadeo join the various forums on these sites.

Many jobs are simply not advertised and are usually filled by networking.

Student who took her baby to lectures graduates with first-class degree


You need to read this then tell me you don’t have the time to study, this young lady is raising  a child, working part time AND commuted 260 miles to attend University and she took her baby to lectures and still graduates with first-class degree

Wearable technology in the classroom: what’s available and what does it do?

Is this the future of Education?


Wearable technology in the classroom: what’s available and what does it do?

The reason why UK and others did not join the Euro


The euro ‘family’ has shown it is capable of real cruelty

Angela Merkel and Jean-Claude Juncker seek to justify their Greek bailout deal, but what kind of family asset-strips one of its members in broad daylight?

These  two countries that exacerbated the problems within the Euro monteray system, why you may ask?

The simple answer is that they are ones with most too lose having pumped in billions of Euros into the Greek economy creating the problems of today.

The machinations of financial institutions (the troika) have been exposed as much as the institutions themselves. Who runs these banks, and for whom? Twitter slogans talk of the three world wars: the first waged with guns, the second with tanks and this third world war waged by banks. Extreme? Well, there clearly is more than one way to take over a country.

Bluetooth to bribery: Five ingenious ways that students cheat


Technology is making it easier and easier for students to cheat in their exams.

Its bad enough that there are thousands of websites out there dedicated to completing assignments and dissertation.

The thing that really worries me from this article is that these are medical students and if they become Doctors they could have your life in their hands

Bluetooth to bribery: Five ingenious ways Indians cheat –

Some people think America will be turning 2015-years-old on the 4th of July


Unfortunately this does not surprise  me, after living there for 4 years in Kentucky I saw first hand this sort of idea, its really  sad that Americans do not know their own history. Just to clarify Indepence from the British happened 239 years ago by the 13 colonial states in 1776.

Many people also use Christmas day to tweet their happy birthdays to Jesus, who, according to some, turned 2014 years old last December 25th

People think America will be turning 2015-years-old on the 4th of July – Read at Business Insider:

Universities should ban PowerPoint — It makes students stupid and professors boring

Universities should ban PowerPoint — It makes students stupid and professors boring –

This is an interesting concept. .. make the students work for their own analysis of the subject…to critique. …to learn and use their own minds… rather than rely on someone else’s view…to actually research for themselves and go to a LIBRARY  and read text books and research papers to give their own conclusions of the subject at hand..the use of PowerPoint tends to make a student lazy dependent on the Lecturer and that persons view point, whilst doing their own research will open their eyes to the many different views on all subjects.

Read at Business Insider:–it-makes-students-stupid-and-professors-boring-2015-6?&platform=bi-androidapp

Colleges are banning smartwatches to cut down on high-tech cheating

Colleges are banning smartwatches to cut down on high-tech cheating – Read at Business Insider: