Student who took her baby to lectures graduates with first-class degree


You need to read this then tell me you don’t have the time to study, this young lady is raising  a child, working part time AND commuted 260 miles to attend University and she took her baby to lectures and still graduates with first-class degree

Do they really motivate you?

downloadWe all look at the postings of others on various social media networks, but. How may are posting their actual experiences?

Let’s have a reality check, many of the postings you see and read are by people who have never been through hard times, you only have to look at their backgrounds and what they are doing now to see the thoughts and ideas are not of their own origin.

As you read each posting ask yourself questions about the poster, do not be afraid to be cynical.

  • Have they actually been through these life changing experiences?
  • What was their education?
  • How did they start their career?
  • Do they actually know what real hardship is?

If they can answer the above then, yes you should listen and read to see if you agree with their experiences, if not, then try finding someone who has been through the hardship.

Life is not as simple as many of these people proclaim and some of their postings are bordering on sycophancy.

A true motivator has gone through real life changing experiences and managed to change their life.

You may ask what are these changes that are affecting people and who are they?

We all know the famous ones who have made real changes to themselves and others around them:

  • MandelaNelson Mandela – was arrested, convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment later released and becoming the President of South Africa
  • Rosa ParksRosa Parks – refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake’s order to give up her seat in the coloured section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.
  • kingMartin Luther King Jr. – we all know of the struggles of this facing segregation and discrimination throughout his whole life.
  • NASA-Can-Stop-Looking-for-Black-Holes-Says-Stephen-Hawking-2Stephen Hawking – Hawking suffers from a rare early-onset, slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig’s disease, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades. He now communicates using a single cheek muscle attached to a speech-generating device.
  • stephen kingStephen King – A struggling teacher, married with kids and living in a trailer. His first book, Carrie, was turned down 30 times.
  • jk rowlingJK Rowling – she struggled as a single mother on benefits for seven years until ‘Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone’ found a publisher.

They not only changed their lives but also changed the lives and perceptions of others, these are the people who you should be looking at for leadership and motivation, not some celebrity, whom in many cases have come through no hardship what so ever.

  • Do they know the meaning of true poverty where a family is struggling to feed itself?
  • Do they know what it is like to continually fight against corruption?
  • Do they have experience of discrimination of any kind?

You will find that most cannot answer these questions, in fact, you will notice from just a little research that these so called motivators have not struggled in the true sense at all. They have had a good education, usually paid for by their parents. They have a good career and not had to fight against nepotism, corruption and discrimination.

There is an old adage about walking a mile in someone’s shoes, true motivators need to show that they have struggled, so when looking for motivation ask questions of that persons background and motives, remember many of them run websites that are funded by advertisements, many of which are suspect to say the least because of the content of these sites.

  • Be cynical
  • Ask why, is it their experience?

Be yourself.

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